Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas

Let there be light!
We took our little man to the Lights of the Ozarks
parade. My sister brought her two sweet peas
too! The kids had a blast but we were freezing
and weren't allowed to leave until we saw Santa
and the ponies. Mission accomplished!We had so
much fun watching their little faces light up all night!
That means the world to me.I
have a feeling
we'll be going back.

Snug as a bug in a rug!

It was so busy that in order for the kids to see the parade, we had to put them on our shoulders. Daddy had Trevor on his shoulders the whole parade. Hang on tight baby.
Maggie Moo and her elves insisted on taking their pic with Trevor. They fought over who got to hold him. What can I say? He's a ladies man.

Sweatin to the oldies

Trevor takes a gymnastics class so he can run
out some of his energy and learn to take turns (which is a
really big deal at 2). It also has helped us so much
on our coordination. When I signed him up for the class
I assumed we would be the only boy but there
are actually more boys than girls!! We have made a
lot of friends and Trevor looks forward to
going every week!!Trevor's favorite part of gymnastics is the stretching and
warm ups. We now do donkey kicks every where we go!

Two little monkeys! One of Trevor's friends hangs
out on the bar with him. They love to swing like
monkeys. Very fitting I know.

At the end of class, everyone gets stamps for doing
a good job,
although I feel like the mom's are
the ones who deserve
the stamps.Most of us are more
sweaty than they
are chasing them around.
It's really just
organized chaos!! lol

Monday, November 17, 2008

Cookie Monster

This is Trevor 's first time to help Mommy bake!
He was so cute baking cookies with me. He really
was a great helper. We had such a good time
together. Our favorite part was eating the cookies!
Yummy in our tummies (as Trevor says)

Ooooohhh!! I can't wait, I can't wait!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

rub -a -dub-dub party in the tub

Our friends Erin, Kelly and Kelsie came over
tonight for dinner!!
Kelsie and Trevor mugged
down on some cupcakes and looked like

little red frosting monsters! We put them both
in the tub so they would
be squeaky clean!!!
Oh my goodness!!! There's a snake in the tub?

Mom, what is she doin to me?Here mom, let me make you look sooo pretty!!
Maybe he'll be a Tatoo artist someday.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So my little man gets funnier by the minute. The things he says are hysterical. I would list some examples but I would be here for days. That boy always puts a smile on my face. I am so blessed. Trevor will be a great leader some day (which is my way of saying he is bossy). He loves to tell people what to do, including me. If he sees me doing something I have told him not to do he'll say, Momma, No Mam! We don' t do that! Too cute. Trevor has a little girlfriend named Zoe Grace. When Trevor hasn't seen her in a while, he starts to sing songs about her. He sings her name,Zoe Grace, Zoe Grace. He will tell me, I want to go see her. If he is singing songs about girls already, I think I'm in big trouble!! He is the light of our life!!
I'm a very busy working mom and new at blogging so I will do my best to keep everyone updated on our little man. There's no telling what we'll be blogging about with Trevor around. Our lives are definitely not boring! ha ha

Monday, November 10, 2008

Am I cute or what?

So, we love our football!!! He is screaming Football in this picture and as you can see, we get a little excited about it. We take after Daddy!!! Maybe we have a future Razorback on our hands!!
I love his little pouty face!! Sad but yet so cute.
We love to blow kisses!!!
Peek a boo, I see you!!!!

The beat goes on!!

I got you babe!! John and I were Sonny and Cher for our Halloween party. We won Best costume!! Yeah baby!!

Dog the Bounty Hunter-Coming to a City Near You

Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth crashed our Halloween party--It was awesome!

Did Somebody Say Brownies??

We went to Matt and Sara's for dinner tonight and made some brownies (or brown ones as Trevor likes to say). Sara is teaching me how to blog. Thanks Sara!!! Beater-licking good!!
Say Cheese!

Attempting to Blog

We are starting a blog so that our friends and family can see what kind of trouble we've been getting into!!
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