Sunday, August 1, 2010

Summer lovin

My favorite pic of Cruz to date!!!
He makes this face a lot and I finally
caught it on camera. He was tired and
letting me know about it.
Cruz is not a fan of the cold water in the pool.

Trev named his dragon lego.
Not a big fan of the cold water in the pool. Trev
was the same way. My boys think they are too
good for a cold pool, they want it heated. lol I
just keep working with Cruz hoping he will
get use to the cold water and play some more.
He loves water so I'm surprised he doesn't
love the little pool. We still have fun in it though.
Wrestling the dragon.
Cruz absolutely loves his swing!! We swing
every chance we get. I love this baby's sweet
smile and sparkling eyes!!
Trev also loves to swing and his learning
to swing himself. Look at that face!!

I swing with Cruz a lot and he has already
learned to hold on to the swings ropes. He
learns faster than any other baby I've been
around. We both hold on to the swing, he lays
on my chest and we swing the day away.

Trevor's friend Isacc came over to play and
they wound up having a sword fight.
What a life!!!
Tryston came over to play one night
and they stripped down to their under-
wear and got in the sprinkler. A favorite
summer time activity at my house. The
boys came in and put dry clothes on.
This is what Tryston picked out to wear...
a long sleeved Halloween shirt paired with
a pair of jeans, both items being 2 sizes too
small. I laughed every time I looked at him.
I offered to pick him out some clothes that
fit but he insisted on wearing that.
Trevor took mommy on a date to see
Toy Story 3. (mommy gave T money to
buy tickets, lifted him up on the counter
and he told the man what tickets he
wanted) It was the best date. We had
popcorn and coke and m&m's. Trev
even wore his soccer shin guards to the
movies. (He insisted!!)
What a stud!!!
I'm not sure what face he is making but
it's cute. We also had mr. transformer
tag along on the date with us.

Bath time is every day in a house full of boys.
They play in the dirt and mud and water and
are all kinds of stinky by the end of day.
We still love costumes (I can't call it dress up,
thats too girlie) so we play superheros. This day
Trev was Peter Pan!! Well, Peter Pan forgot his
pants and underwear. Whoops
We all need to air out every once in a while right
playing peek-a-boo with bubba
I jokingly said to daddy one night we need to
hog tie this boy to get him to be still and daddy
took it literally. He tied little Cruz up with some
neck ties (of course he was joking as well)

Daddy tied him up, I got a couple of pics and we
freed the hog. It was so funny, Cruz actually
was laughing- at first. lol
Out to eat at Orange Mango!!
One VERY HOT night we decided to take
the boys to eat ice cream. You can tell on
their faces they loved it!!

I just thought this was silly

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